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Pagi ini dah semangat 45 tuk OL karena ya dah kangen buat DL, utik2 FB.hehehe
Dan tiba" enak maen, tit tit.... mati lampu, bujubuset dah bikin BT.Swt
Setelah nunggu 30 menit kayak orang oon, sampe ngantuk disambi sms akhirnya tanda" kehidupan nyala *lebai banget*
Whoaaaa mulai menggila Dl lagi nih meski tetep lelet inetnya.hahaha~~
Dapet banyak pic bigbang, kangennnn banget ma mereka.
Ni kushare sedikit pic yang aku dapat

Ga banyak yang bisa kuupload, inet-nya lag mulu >.<



Starring by : Jake T Austin as Bruce
Emma Roberts as Andi

Andi and Bruce lost their parents and now they lived with the new guardians.
They have a dogs named Friday, this dog is so smart and naughty too.
Since they can't keep Friday with them so Andi and Bruce try to a new home for Friday.
And they found an abandoned hotel and using Bruce's talents as the mechanical,
Transform into a dog paradise, if you have seen this movie you will understand what i mean.
That already lived Lenny and Georgia , this are dogs,
and too bad i can't describe what kind of dog are them but i know Lenny is kind a dogs like Tae Yang.

With other new friends Dave, Heather and Mark they make a comfort home for all the wild dog.
From this movie we can see that dogs also have rights to get a comfort home just like an orphaned who need a comfort house too.

So let’s SAVE the dogs, ouww makes me wanna have 1 dogs >.<

How’s the ending??? Is it Friday will get a new house ???
Just see the movie ^^v


The Ramen Girl ラ一ナン女

The Ramen Girl - ラ一ナン女

In food as in life sometimes the missing ingredient is love

Abby a young American woman that go to Japan to meet his boyfriend but ended with abandoned.
Lost in the shuffle of a foreign culture, she even can speak or understand the language.
Abby lived with her neighbor who sells ramen, after observing the magical effects of the every customer that feels happy after eat the ramen.
Abby convinces herself that her true path to become a ramen chef, she persuades the owner, temperamental Japanese master chef to teach her the art of making ramen.
She had to work hard to understand what the chef meant, imagine that we learnt to do something but we can understand a lil bit what the teacher said??? That’s what Abby feel at the moment.

Curious with Abby will be the Ramen Girl???
Must see this movie….



Aka: Hansamu sutsu | Handsome Suits
Year: 2008
Directed: Tsutomu Hanabusa
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 01:55
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English/Japanese
Cast: Shosuke Tanihara, Muga Tsukaji, Keiko Kitagawa, Mayumi Sada, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Nozomi Sasaki, Yusuke Yamamoto,
Imdb: Hansamu sutsu

Let’s be handsome!!!!

Takuro Oki is a 33 year old single who really good in cooking and own restaurant.
However due to his appearance, he has never fall in love before, one day he confesses his love to his pretty restaurant helper Hiroko but is rejected.
The heart broken Takuro goes to shopping and by any chances, come into a store who selled a magical suit that makes its wearer incredibly good looking, transforming from the ugly duckling into a super gorgeous model.
This movie makes me realize that all we need is the inner beauty, let we can say that size doesn’t matter.

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Melototin angka + Ngantuk = Ngawur semuaaaa…..

Yak gimana kabar teman”ku dan para blogger di luar sana ????
Pastinya baek” aja kan ??
Ehm …. lama ga update blog yang udah kering kerontang ini =D
Kali ini mau cerita soal kerjaan-ku yang baru, ga sangka bisa di tempatin di posisi yang ga pernah kusangka, di bag AR.
Bagi yang ga pernah tau AR itu apa, aku juga ga tau bener-nya kalo ga di kasih tau what AR stands for.wakakaka.
AR stands for Account Receivable a.k.a PIUTANG, jadi kerjaan utama yah melunasin piutang.
Awal kerja cuman filing, filing dan filing sampe elek ( emg dari sononya udah jelek kan?hahahaha ) dan finally dapet PC dan diajarin program untuk entry data.
Pertama dah di tanya “ background-mu ada acc kan ? “ kujawab “ ga ada “
Glek, … gimana kamu bisa kerjain jurnal ??? langsung deh aku sempet ngedrop.
Tapi untung-nya setelah belajar lumayan bisa , meski aku ini orangnya ga TELITI banget, di hadapin dengan angka” dan data begitu banyak yang harus di input di tambah mata dah sepet liad angka, angka dan angka……
Setelah diperiksa, udah keliatan deh ga telitinya >.< dan asli menuju sore hari mata ga bisa kompromi, kepala serasa pusing, mata mau nutup , tangan dah gemetar, kayak orang stroke.hahahaha
But by the time kesalahan mulai sedikit demi sedikit bisa hilang, meski suatu saat di sore hari bisa muncul lagi *ketawa setan*

Tapi aku tetep bersyukur setidaknya ada yang mau hire aku , daripada jobless mulu kan???
Meski jujur emang boring, karena kerjaan monoton, ga bisa buka email, ga bisa chat.hiks
Yang ada cuman dengerin pada ibu” bicarain soal anaknya, ada yang bicarain tentang kehamilan, coba aku bicara soal BIGBANG dikira sarap kali niy orang.hahahaha
Sekarang aku bisa rasain yang dirasain temenku di madiun sono yang notabene ngumpul di kerjaan juga isinya ibu’ mulu. XD

Daripada BT mending baca ulang Kambing Jantan...

and biar ga suntuk aku mantengin foto bigbang yang emg obat mujarab ilangin BT. XD