The Ramen Girl - ラ一ナン女

In food as in life sometimes the missing ingredient is love

Abby a young American woman that go to Japan to meet his boyfriend but ended with abandoned.
Lost in the shuffle of a foreign culture, she even can speak or understand the language.
Abby lived with her neighbor who sells ramen, after observing the magical effects of the every customer that feels happy after eat the ramen.
Abby convinces herself that her true path to become a ramen chef, she persuades the owner, temperamental Japanese master chef to teach her the art of making ramen.
She had to work hard to understand what the chef meant, imagine that we learnt to do something but we can understand a lil bit what the teacher said??? That’s what Abby feel at the moment.

Curious with Abby will be the Ramen Girl???
Must see this movie….